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About Pro-Energy 

Your Commercial Energy Broker

Pro-Energy is a proactive energy broker that aims to help business owners like you save money on your commercial energy.

You receive data that is bespoke to your business, providing you with a hassle-free way to choose the best energy deal and cut your future costs!

Committed To Affordable Commercial Energy – Our Ethos

At Pro-Energy, we are committed to the following ethics:
We don’t tell you what's best for you or your business. Instead, we empower you with information so you can make informed decisions.

We respect your autonomy to make decisions about your own energy rates. That's why we never call or pester customers. 

We just send you great energy rates each week, and you can decide whether to go ahead or not.
Honesty should come as a given… but that’s often not the case in the energy industry.

We think it’s worth pointing out how transparent we are about who we are, how we work, and what we gain.
This one’s simple… we’re here to make sure business owners aren’t getting ripped off and have fair access to affordable business energy rates.

If you think about it, you have 52 (i.e., 1 each week) opportunities to secure cheaper energy rates for your business each and every year.

Our History

We were motivated to start Pro-Energy because we saw a need to compare business energy rates in a different way.

Frustrated with the complexity of accessing cheaper business energy rates and seeing business owners, churches, charities, and other commercial entities being fleeced and constantly cold-called, we wanted to create a service that put the power to choose the best deals back into your hands.

Initially, our service was manual, but with more business owners approaching us for help, we needed a better solution so we could help more people. We therefore invested in automating our service.

Working directly with over a dozen energy suppliers, our unique in-house tool now means we can deliver our values of affordability and empowerment to each and every business, charity, and churches across England, Scotland, and Wales.

Register today and see how much you can save

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